White spots can occur for a number of reasons. Since teeth actually form in the womb, those white spots might be a genetic issue, not something external following your child’s birth. A visit with your kid’s dentist will help to determine if the spots are due to something you can control.
White spots can be from a mineral imbalance, excessive fluoride, certain medications, or active dental decay. Another problem causing stain or spotting on baby teeth can be due to a very common development called enamel hypoplasia. This can appear to be white, yellow, or brown in color.
Pediatric dentistry offers answers and solutions; if white spots have appeared on baby teeth and been diagnosed as decay, repairing the decay will allow your dentist to make corrections using a tooth colored resin material. Decay can occur if your child’s teeth are not brushed frequently and correctly. Plaque that remains on teeth can eventually penetrate dental enamel forming a cavity.
If baby teeth were not spotted, but your child’s permanent teeth develop discoloration or white spots the primary consideration might be excessive fluoride. Permanent teeth are forming around age three so if the child received fluoride supplements, dental stain might be attributed to fluorosis. Unless a child lives in an area where water is not fluoridated, supplements are usually not needed.
If the child comes to our kid’s dentist with white spots, an exam will be done following an interview so the dental provider has enough background information to ascertain why spotting has developed. Tooth deterioration can occur if the problem is due to decalcified enamel.
Permanent teeth can be treated with a tooth colored bonding material to blend away stain if the problem is cosmetic only. Since primary teeth will be lost over time, treating them cosmetically is usually not dictated. But as your child grows, their self-esteem can be impacted if dental stain remains on permanent teeth.
Caring for your child’s teeth will have a life-long impact on your child’s dental and overall health. Caring for their dental health requires persistence, instruction, and hands-on care until your child is coordinated and responsible enough to brush and floss on their own.
In addition to brushing and flossing, pediatric dentistry can provide the tools and treatment to maintain your child’s excellent oral health which will serve them well for their lifetime.
Contact us at Fort Worth Children’s Dentistry to schedule your child’s next appointment!