Ideally, a tooth after root canal therapy should require no special care. With a children’s root canal, there can be residual soreness or discomfort after the procedure. This discomfort can come from the use of a local anesthetic, having the mouth open for an extended period of time creating pressure on the low jaw and face muscles, or from the restoration process used to protect the tooth after the root canal therapy, depending on the type of restoration used.
Root canal therapy is designed to help dentists preserve natural teeth and enhance patient comfort when faced with severe toothache or abscess. A pediatric dentist specializes in the care of children’s teeth, using a gentle touch and compassion to ease nerves and anxiety. For the child patient, a root canal procedure with local anesthetic should be no more traumatic than a typical filling for a cavity.
Following the children’s root canal therapy, the state of the tooth determines the type of restoration used.
Following the children’s root canal therapy, the state of the tooth determines the type of restoration used. If the necessary hole drilled for the root canal is relatively small, a typical filling can sometimes be used but in most cases a crown is placed over the tooth. During the root canal, the living tissue is removed from inside the tooth to include the tooth’s blood supply.
Without that blood supply, the tooth usually becomes vulnerable over time. Although the tooth remains intact, it is more susceptible to damage. The natural tooth is usually shaped with special filing tools to form a perfect fit for a custom-made crown that will be placed permanently over the tooth to protect it. This will eliminate sensitivity and provide a stronger feel for regular use.
Avoiding extreme hot or cold foods and beverages during the first few days will help ensure the bonding agent forms a secure hold to the porcelain crown. Regular brushing and flossing will help protect the adjacent teeth and also reduce risk of gum inflammation around the crown, which can cause damage or loosen the bond. For information regarding children’s root canal therapy, treatment options, and other dentistry processes, contact our caring pediatric dentistry team at 817-569-6633 today!