Why Early Detection of Tooth Decay is So Important

Why Early Detection of Tooth Decay is So Important

January 22, 2016 / in childrens root canal / by FWCD-Admin
Tooth Decay

The underlying health of your child’s teeth and gums is important, so proper oral hygiene and regular visits to a pediatric dentist may be imperative tasks for you and your family. Taking steps to protect your child’s teeth from tooth decay is also necessary. Considering cavities and decay are common issues that affect millions of children and adults each year, understating the importance of early detection is essential.

Signs of Tooth Decay

In severe forms of decay, the teeth will appear heavily discolored. Teeth may appear dark brown or black due to the decay. While you may not see these obvious signs, your child may still be dealing with an early form of tooth decay.

In the early stages of tooth decay, you may notice the following:

  • A lighter, whiter band may appear on the teeth, closest to the gum line. This white line may be very light, making it difficult to notice, but it is one of the first signs of decay.

  • A yellowish, brown, or black band on the tooth surface, nearest to the gum line, is a sign of a more progressed form of decay.

When tooth decay is detected in these early stages, your child’s pediatric dentist is able to provide more conservative treatment.

Treating Tooth Decay

With regular exams and proper oral hygiene, you and your child’s dentist can help combat tooth decay. Unfortunately, if the decay is not detected until the later stages, your child may require a more involved treatment.

Advanced tooth decay not only affects your child’s appearance, but it can also become painful and dangerous due to possible infections. The dentist may complete a children’s root canal in an attempt to save one or more decaying teeth. During the root canal, the dentist will remove tooth pulp from the underlying nerves of the tooth. While a children’s root canal is more invasive, it can prevent tooth loss in patients with advanced stages of decay.

Early detection is key to your child’s dental health. To schedule your child’s next professional dental exam, contact Fort Worth Children’s Dentistry at 817-569-6633.